Shingo Wakagi
Anonymous from 20 years stacks
2023.10.13 Fri — 10.29 Sun 13:00—19:00 @OVERGROUND
写真家・若木信吾の最新展となる本展では、1998年~2018年の約20 年の間にライカの35mmフィルムで撮影した膨大なテストプリントの束の一部を展示します。
アノニマス・フォ トとも言われるそれらの写真には、写されている対象以上に撮影者の被写体への想いや背景が、
“Anonymous from 20 years stacks“ Exhibition by Shingo Wakagi
会期:2023.10.13(金) - 10.29(日)
時間:13:00 - 19:00
入場料 : 500yen
2023.10.14 (土) 15:00-16:00, 16:30-上映会
参加費:¥1,500 (入場料込) *Admission fee included
15:00-16:00 : トークショー/ talk show
16:30 : ”Let’s go for a drive”(1997)上映会/ screening show
You can make a reservation from here.
『この束はすべて自分が撮った写真だけど、自分の記憶ではないような写真を見たいと思った。』 - 若木信吾
'This bunch of pictures are all taken by me, but I wanted to see pictures that I wouldn't remember.' - Shingo Wakagi
若木信吾 | Shingo Wakagi Website
浜松市の書店「BOOKS AND PRINTS」のオーナーでもある。 主な写真集に「takuji」「英ちゃん弘ちゃん」「TIME AND PORTRAITS」、
著書に「希望をくれる人に僕は会いたい」、映画の撮影、監督作品に「星影のワルツ」「トーテム~song for home~」「白河夜船」(原作:吉本ばなな)などがある。
若木信吾 | Shingo Wakagi
Photographer / Film Director / Book Shop Owner website
Born March 26, 1971 in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, with a degree in Photography.
Active in a wide range of fields including maga-zines, advertising, music media, film production, and book publishing.
Owner of the bookstore "BOOKS AND PRINTS" in his hometown Hama- matsu since 2010.
This latest exhibition of photographer Shingo Wakagi will showcase some of the huge bundles of test prints he has made with Leica 35 mm film over a period of about 20 years, from 1998 to 2018. Photographs that you come across by chance in your travels, photos that you don't even know when, who took them and where they were taken. In these photographs, which are also known as anonymous photos, the photographer's feelings and background towards the subject are more apparent than the object being photographed, and are reflected in the objects themselves, such as fading and paper deterioration over time, allowing the viewer to sense a different depth to pure photographic expression. For the first time in Japan, Shingo Wakaki will exhibit test prints he has made himself from 20 years' worth of photographs taken by Shingo Wakaki, which he had kept in storage for a long time, and entrusted to a curator for selection. What meaning does the past as a photographic object have in this age of data storage (memory)? Please look forward to this exhibition.
POST-FAKE 大城壮平 | Sohei Oshiro
Young Tree LLC
Yosuke Fujiki Van Gogh Co., Ltd.
2F - 1-17-5 Minoshima , Hakata-ku Fukuoka 812-0017 Japan T. 092 984 0896