Solo Exhibition

2023.03.11 Fri - 05.11 Sun 11:00—19:00 @ OVERGROUND

場所:OVERGROUND Gallery1

Dates: 2023.04.07(Fri)-05.28(Sun)
(Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
Opening hours: 13:00-19:00
Place: OVERGROUND Gallery1
Admission: free


森山安英は1936年八幡市(現・北九州市八幡東区)生まれ。現在も北九州市戸畑在住のアーティスト。1955年に佐賀大学特設美術科に入学したが、間もなく除籍となる。1960年代初頭から作品制作を始めると同時に、街頭で検便用のマッチ箱に汚物を入れ、街頭で配る等、過激なパフォーマンスを行った。この時期、先行する前衛美術グループ「九州派」の強い影響を受けながら、1968年に地元作家たちとともに「集団蜘蛛」を結成し、まもなく3人のメンバーに少数精鋭化されると、既存の美術団体や権威、さらに同時代の前衛運動も標的に、あらゆる芸術表現を否定する過激な ハプニングを繰り返した。



Yasuhide Moriyama was born in Yawata City (now Yahatahigashi Ward, Kitakyushu City) in 1936. He entered the Special Art Department of Saga University in 1955, but was soon expelled. During this period, under the strong influence of the preceding avant-garde art group "Kyushu-ha," he formed "Shu-dan Kumo" with local artists in 1968. They repeatedly engaged in radical happenings that negated all forms of artistic expression.

In 1970, he participated in a movement against the punishment of teachers at Fukuoka Prefectural Denshukan High School, and was arrested for displaying obscene material and pictures, and his court battle continued until 1973. After a long silence of 15 years, he began producing paintings in all silver in 1987, and has left behind a large body of paintings to the present day. His early works were all-over abstract paintings in silver, characterized by the technique of pouring paint, and since 2000, he has mainly produced figurative paintings in rich colors and shapes.

——— This is the first series of paintings after the resumption of production, and many of them were created with sand or modeling paste and covered with silver paint. Compared to the other series, the uneven surfaces of the paintings emphasize the sense of materiality, and it is clear that Moriyama intended to create "paintings as objects" in this series. The grainy roughness that was the keynote in the first period became more prominent around 1989, when the paint, flowing slowly, stayed on the convex areas, making the wrinkled pattern more prominent and noticeable. The delicate matiere created by pouring paint onto the canvas, one line at a time, contrasts favorably with the roughness of the protrusions and wrinkles.



———This series, which gave the impression of a silvery style, is said to be synonymous with Moriyama. The same silver paint was poured as in "Ode Alumina", but by mixing it with beeswax, the variation of reflections was widened. The picture is flatter and, as the title suggests, the focus is on the reflection of light on the surface of the canvas. The visual phenomenon itself, which is caused by the relationship between the viewer and the work, is sublimated into the work, as the silver appears pure white or reversed to black.
Around 1993, the artist applied fluorescent paint to the base and then poured silver paint on top, which left areas of paint, colours and shapes. By placing the silver and fluorescent colours next to each other, a halation effect is arbitrarily created.

——— This series is the culmination of the technique of pushing the screen and letting the paint flow, and clearly shows Moriyama's intention to create paintings from pre-assumed images. Unlike the accidental nature of the spontaneous flow of paint in the past, the active act of "drawing" is conspicuous, such as outlining the edges and using super-struggles. The forms that have emerged as a result of his exploration of forms that are considered as "objects" include three variations: the "bulb shape," which looks like two circles of various sizes joined together; the "droplet shape," which is thinner and narrower at the bottom; and the "scissors shape," which can be described as a pair of scissors split in two. The most numerous of his works, he continued to work on them again after a blank period of several years.

OVERGROUND / Exhibition
場所:OVERGROUND(Gallery1,Gallery2,East Studio)
〒812-0017 福岡市博多区美野島1-17-5 2F 寿ビル
2F/1-17-5 Minoshima,Hakata-ku,Fukuoka 812-0017




åbäke and LLPL