Kazuma Ogata

2024.9.6 fri - 9.29 Sun —Free Entrance 13-19:00 OPEN


会期:2024.9.6(金) - 9.29(日)

時間:13:00 - 19:00



入場料 : 無料


Kazuma Ogata was born in Fukuoka in 1986 and currently lives and works in Tokyo. In his current series, Ogata walks across the canvas in sneakers covered in paint, leaving overlapping traces of his steps as he works towards completion. The act of walking with one's feet on the ground is an essential and primitive bodily movement when one is doing something, such as shopping or meeting someone, and so it can be said to be an everyday occurrence. The accumulation of such conventional minimalism spreads across the entire screen, creating an all-over flat abstraction, and the concreteness of the traces left by the soles of the sneakers themselves exists as a uniquely tranquil and deep screen. The random texture of the paint that is crushed and attached by the weight of the body is also a by-product of the sneakers selected for the work from among the many available. Each work shows a raw expression of the originality born from the choice of fundamental drawing material, which eliminates the act of rubbing the canvas left and right and up and down while keeping the feet on the canvas to fill the screen, and instead stamps down only on the unevenness of the sneakers like a stamp.



